Hankook Technoring
the largest automotive proving ground in Asia!
Experience Hankook Technoring, a symbol of Hankook Tire's innovation and an epitome of the global R&D network.
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High Speed Oval
VDA/Skid Pad
Dry Handling Circuit
Wet Handling Circuit
Ride Tracks
Braking / Hydroplaning Straight
Pass By Noise / Noise Vibration Harshness
General Road
Off Road
Gravel Road
Office / Control Tower
Tour guide
High Speed Oval
High Speed Oval
High speed durability and high speed stability assessment
This track is oriented in studying tires built to withstand high speeds. The high-speed oval is designed to test vehicles at a high velocity of up to 250Km/h and it enables cars to drive straight or slalom at high speeds on 4-lane tracks. It spans the length of 4.6km and the banked road’s* impressive 38.87˚ inclination perfects the ultimate test.
VDA/Skid Pad
Vehicle Dynamics Area
Objective evaluation for control stability, lane change, slalom, and handling
This track is designed to test the handling stability and performance limits of tires. The skidpad is used to conduct extensive tests on handling safety and lane changes, enabling systematic and perfect tests.
Dry Handling Circuit
Dry Handling Circuit
Braking stability evaluation on the dry surface
As a dry surface circuit with a length of 3.38 km and 16 diverse corners, this circuit enables tests at a speed of up to 190km/h and semi-racing. Like VDA, it is the third-largest circuit compared to the global tire maker P/G. Course A and Course B are available for separate use, and this circuit allows various models to be tested specifically for the required performance.
Wet Handling Circuit
Wet Handling Circuit
Braking stability evaluation on a wet road surface Hydroplaning evaluation
This track is designed to research high-performance tires built to maintain grip on a wet road. The Wet Handling Circuit tests tires at a maximum speed of 128km/h. The Hydroplaning Curve allows us to adjust the water depth to observe the effect of the tire patterns and compounds on the curved wet road for each and every moment. It boasts the largest scale compared to global tire manufacturers.
Ride Tracks
Ride Tracks
Ride comfort, noise, and durability performance evaluation
Also referred to as Ride, it spans a total length of 970m and consists of 4 lanes and 15 special road surfaces. This is a test track where the crucial ride evaluation is carried out to obtain a smooth and quiet ride. ① Lane1: Ride comfort evaluation on the national highway (structured to have crack + pot hole + road surface pavement + manhole, etc.) ② Lane2: Ride comfort evaluation on the brick road and concrete road (depicts a brick road - motorway service station / cracked, irregular concrete - depicts a farm road/washboard - depicts the road surface with toll gate access where the speed needs to be reduced, etc.) ③ Lane3: Consists of obstacles (grants the objectivity in the ride comfort evaluation through the height difference of protrusions) ④ Lane4: Ride comfort evaluation on an asphalt road (rough 1, 2 - depicts the roads in Geumsan and Hyundai Kia Namyang R&D Center / Crack Asp. Irregular ash - depicts a non-flat road/crack - depicts a road lacking flatness and roughness in Geumsan)
Braking / Hydroplaning Straight
Braking / Hydroplaning Straight
Dry & wet braking evaluation / hydroplaning straight evaluation
This track is designed to test braking performance under a variety of extreme conditions, from dry to wet roads. Dry and wet roads make up 4 lanes each out of the 8 lanes in total, and the roads made of widely varying materials such as asphalt and concrete enable a complex set of tests.
Pass By Noise / Noise Vibration Harshness
Pass By Noise / Noise Vibration Harshness
Noise evaluation, ISO certification evaluation / objective noise evaluation
PBN: This track is a 920m-long certified road designed to test noise and conduct the ISO certification evaluation throughout. It has two road surfaces to handle more tests. The track consists of a 940M-long road designed for objective evaluation, 5 lanes, and 7 roads. (Cleat, Trench, Normal Asphalt, Gomori, Smooth Asphalt, Rough Asphalt, etc.) Since it has the same road surface structure as that of automobile manufacturers such as Toyota and Hyundai-Kia, it is ideal for OE tires.
General Road
General Road
Total tire performance evaluation for ride comfort, noise, pulling, etc. + a connected to each track
This is also known as the general road. This 0.5km-long road connects each track. In addition, it implements various environments found on many different types of roads, to conduct total tire performance evaluations for ride comfort, noise, pulling, and many more.
Off Road
Off Road
Off-road evaluation
Our tires surmount all obstacles without a hitch. The large-scale obstacle road contains unpaved roads and a wide variety of obstacles, enabling tests under the harshest environments. We are ready to travel a rugged path and our research aims to shape the future of off-road tires.
Gravel Road
Gravel Road
Chip-cut evaluation
This track spans a total length of 1.4km and is designed to verify the chip-cut and durability performance of various vehicles. It is an essential track for satisfying the requirements of OE car makers. It improves the chip-cut verification capability to minimize the chip-cut quality risk that may arise on general roads.
Office / Control Tower
Office / Control Tower
Office / Control Tower
The control tower oversees Technoring, which was built to safely and efficiently manage Technoring's vast area (1,259,905㎡, equivalent to 125 soccer fields). The height point of the control tower is 37.1m, the height of a 12-floor apartment building (with a 3m floor-to-ceiling heights), and it will allow the visual monitoring of the test progress and immediate identification of the locations if an issue arises, along with 30 surveillance cameras installed on the proving grounds.
Tracks of Technoring
About Technoring

Proving ground reaching new heights for future mobility
At Hankook Technoring, a high-tech proving ground, we remain relentless in our pursuit of researching, verifying, and testing the ultimate tires for a diverse range of road surfaces and extreme environments. Please allow us to present our proving ground, the Hankook Technoring, which will serve to symbolize innovation in future mobility.
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